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Updates by the Association Masseria Dirupo

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  • “The Work” of Byron Katie

    The Association “Masseria Dirupo”, thanks to the strong impulse provided by its members from Alberobello, has organized, for the first time in Alberobello a workshop on “The Work” of Byron Katie. “The Work” of Byron Katie is a simple process of inquiry that teaches you to identify and question the thoughts that cause all the…

    The Association Masseria Dirupo, in close collaboration with the informal group NUSeh, has organized a course for creating a small family vegetable garden called Hortus Conclusus. The course is inspired by the medieval gardens of monasteries and convents, typically surrounded by walls. The Hortus Conclusus (= walled garden) was used mainly for the production of…
  • Storie del Dirupo

    Breeding of the Chupacabras

    [:it]It all begun in the early 1900. The main Farm building had been recently completed, it was spring and the landowner was sipping an almond milk drink sitting in the shade. All of a sudden a pawing was heard and a barrow approached the building. The carter was a young boy from the town that…
  • Un chiaro esempio di ufo sopra il bosco mentre cerca un ramo per appoggiarsi

    UFO at the Dirupo Farm

    UFO sightings are a common thing nowadays… Even the Dirupo area isn’t new to sightings of every kind, and often it happens to see UFOs flying low on the ground greeting with a chirp or a shake of the tail…
  • Laijutsu

    July 21st 2012 – Multidisciplinary seminar on Japanese martial arts

    Almost one year later, the coalition between The Masseria Dirupo Association and the Rakurai Dojo gives birth to a second event devoted to Japanese martial arts. Surrounded by the wonderful and suggestive scenario that only the Dirupo Farm can offer, the martial artists from the Rakurai Dojo have alternatively practised: the Gyakute-Do Aiki Jujutsu, a…

    JULY 9TH 2011

    The 9th of July 2011, within the Association’s premises, a rich and articulated Japanese martial arts showcase has been held. Along with the Ikazuchi Dojo – Academy of Martial Arts and Associated Disciplines, The Association «Masseria Dirupo» has organized an experimental workshop of  Shinobi Jutsu called «The Way of the Ninja». From many years now,…